Things liz Has Learned

Hi! Welcome to your very own Things I’ve Learned page!

Feel free to delete all of this introductory text and start writing all of the wonderful things you’ve learned that you want to share with other people.

But first! A few ground rules:

  1. Don’t be a jerk. If you use your page to create spam, promote Bitcoin schemes, or be mean to other people – I’ll delete your account, issue you a refund, and send you on your merry way. So, be nice. Be helpful. Be kind.
  2. Things I’ve learned does not support uploading images or videos. Sorry. If you want to include non-text content on your page, you’ll need to link to it from somewhere else.
  3. If something seems broken or if you need help with your account, feel free to send an email to

That’s it. Have fun!

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